Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Step by Step English Bulldogs

English Bulldog Breed Art

English Bulldog

     Well I just finished a commission this past weekend, and I am making good progress on another commission, so I thought it was a good time to get started on my next addition to my Breed Art Series. I have already done the Labrador Retriever and the German Shepherd, so now I am doing the English Bulldog. Here is the line drawing to the left. Reference photos are from my own collection and creative commons. I will be doing this painting in steps and showing how I do stuff as I go. The next few blog posts will be on this. Hopefully this helps people understand digital art a little better and maybe even learn something new.

     So all my breed art series is in this montage style with the head study and then the smaller full dog profile. I try to get different coat colors when  I can. I basically sketched this one out in the app Procreate on my iPad Air 2. I like using the HB pencil for the sketch portion and I choose blue for the color because it shows up better than grey. So we are just in the beginning steps. I try and draw all the major guide lines i'll need while painting. All the painting will be done on a separate layer from the line drawing, and I will eventually delete the line drawing in the end. This is all I have so far so stay tuned for next weeks blogpost and progress on our Bulldog painting.

Thanks for looking!

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