About Me
Welcome to Pixel Paint Creations. This blog was created to discuss and review all things digital art, with a specialization in tablet or iPad art. I also created this blog to hopefully educate people and dispel some of the myths surrounding digital art. You will find examples of my own creations as well as links to the various stores that I sell my prints in. My main store is Fine Art America as they have amazing quality and customer service. This is where I print all my custom portraits as well. You will find works in progress, my thoughts behind particular paintings, how I overcome issues and some tips and tricks as well.
I have been an artist my whole life. I actually started in traditional media before moving to digital. My preferred mediums were colored pencil, watercolor and charcoal. Since moving to digital art, I rarely have gone back to traditional. I started my digital journey way back in 2010 when I got my first iPad. The apps weren't that great, but I experimented with them. I actually didn't really get into the full extent of digital work until I happened upon the app ProCreate. It is an amazing app and more intuitive than Photoshop. All the artwork you see for sale was most likely made in ProCreate unless otherwise stated. I have put my artwork up for sale as prints on 2 main stores, Becky's Digital Art and Society 6. My artwork is available as prints as well as being printed on things such as mugs, clocks, tote bags, iPhone cases and more. I will be adding other stores in the future as well.
Being a huge animal lover, most of my artwork has pets or animals as the subject. I have my own zoo of a crazy rat terrier, (he's a pup in the pic), 2 cats and three birds. They are the subjects of a lot of my paintings. You may even see the occasional post about them.
I do offer custom pet and people portraits as well. All the information about the commission process can be found in Commissions and under the various tabs. You can browse my Art Gallery to see all my paintings, or click on the various gallery tabs to get a more organized look. Under Custom Portrait Samples, you can find the various custom work that I have done.
I hope you enjoy this blog and have fun looking around and reading the posts. Don't forget to subscribe if you like.
Also take a look at my website, Becky's Digital Art for more information on purchasing art and special promotions. I am also active on Facebook and you can see works in progress and be first to see any discounts or promotions.
Thanks for stopping by!
Becky Herrera